Rathcoursey Solar Farm Limited are applying to An Bord Pleanála for a 10-year planning permission for development at Rathcoursey East and Garranekinnefeake (Townlands), Co. Cork. The development comprises of a 110kV AIS electricity substation (with 33kV customer compound) (including two control buildings, associated structures and apparatus, lightning protection, telecom pole, perimeter security fencing, security lighting, water and drainage infrastructure, temporary construction compound) to connect to and serve a solar farm; associated loop-in / loop out infrastructure to connect into an existing 110kV overhead transmission line (including underground 110kV cabling, 2 No. new interface towers and decommissioning of ca. 72m of existing 110kV overhead line); construction and operational access from the public road L7657;  all ancillary site development, landscaping and earthworks, including formation of berms.

The development subject to this application forms part of grid connection and access arrangements which will facilitate the connection of the proposed Rathcoursey Solar Farm (ABP Ref. PL04.317994) to the national grid.

A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.